Nobunaga 002: The Fated Encounter with Takechiyo
Last time we mentioned that Oda Nobuhide was facing two enemies: Saitou in the north, and Imagawa/Matsudaira in the south. The head of the Matsudaira family, Matsudaira Hirotada(松平広忠) was having a very hard time maintaining his foothold in his homeland Mikawa. Daimyous of Central Japan in 1547 Matsudaira Hirotada After his father was assassinated, Hirotada became the head of family at age nine. Ever since his father died, Oda had been ferociously attacking his territories. He also had a complicated relationship with Imagawa on the east. His reign continued to decline and eventually he gave up Matsudaira's independence in exchange for some safety. Takechiyo Alliance in Sengoku time was never free. Some come with exorbitant costs. Hirotada decided to become a subject of Imagawa Yoshimoto(今川義元). To show his loyalty, he was required to send his 6 year old son, Takechiyo(竹千代), to Imagawa as a hostage. As if this wasn't bad enough, there was a li...